Saturday, February 22, 2014

What is YOUR leadership style?

During my weekend with my St. Mary's masters class, I read an article and took an inventory about my leadership style. After the 56 questions, I discovered that my leadership style is adaptive supportive. I read through the descriptors and I agree with all of them. Adaptive supportive leaders are trustworthy, loyal, and hard workers. I read through the chapter in Finding Your Leadership Style on adaptive supportive leaders and I learned that 40% of the people you meet are adaptive supportive people. These leaders bring out the best in people and care for others. I really agree that this describes me as a leader. I don't like all the attention on me, I would rather be doing the best job I can for my students without any recognition. I am in my profession for the OUTCOME of my students' learning, not recognition.

I also believe that others do see me as an adaptive supportive leader. I will not go out of my way to take on a leadership opportunity, but when it is presented to me, I am glad to help lead. When my next leadership opportunity is presented to me, I now know why I take the job so seriously. Adaptive supportive leaders take responsibilities seriously, they work to avoid conflicts, rely on authorities, and create and communicate core values. I posses and lead using these qualities already. One goal I would like to work toward is volunteering for leadership opportunities and step out of my comfort zone. I would be interested in seeing what I would be able to accomplish with a different mindset.

Saturday, January 11, 2014


What are you going to do to be attentive to Engagement this semester?
     Engagement is something that I am very aware of in my classroom. If students aren't engaged, then the teaching isn't meaningful and the students won't remember what lesson was taught. I will find new ways and activities to do with my students to involve them in their education. I know collaborating with my colleagues is a great place to start. 

How do you see AGAPE becoming a habit of mind?
     AGAPE is something that I see myself already doing in my classroom, but I never was really aware of it. It just seemed like a "teacher" thing to do. 

How do you believe that AGAPE has impacted your students?
     All of the stages of AGAPE go together. You can't be an effective teacher and be missing one of the components.